
 I agree the rule should not be changed and as an oposing coach I would use it every time. Look how dominat Drummond has been when he’s on the floor and Jordan on the defensive end. You off set a strength by exposing a weakness, thats good coaching. If you can force a guy to the bench you try and gain that advantage any way you can. 

As a player, these guys are getting paid millions and millions of dollars. While I know there is a mental part of it, trust me I have the yipps in golf, there have been awful free throw shooters who have become much better and as a poster above mentioned all you have to do is get to 50% and the strategy really doesn’t work..

I must say i like how Hassan is at trying new things, hes now shooting it faster almsot like a pick and pop vs a ft

Try it underhand boys, you may look dumb but is not dummer than missing 23 in a night.