This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar BeastMode716 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #465063
    The Scare Crow Rises

    As the resident 76er fan here I’ve been watching these 2 play lately and I’m super intrigued by what I’ve seen (albeit in flashes and during SUMMER LEAGUE)

    Both Guys are great athletes and defenders, both guys look like they’ll play hard, they can make the correct pass and hit an open 3 shot, Zaire is especially explosive and has regained his weight/strength after that food allergy scare last year

    Where do you see these guys fitting in? Can they carve out a role for themselves on the roster over the next few years (Richardson and Ennis are in place for 2 more years) 

    What are your overall thoughts on these 2 NBA prospects? 

    Side Note: Philadelphia traded for both of these kids(Mikal Bridges was a popular pick and the 76ers dealt with the rival Boston Celtics again even after being fleeced in the Fultz fiasco, so I think the Scouts/Coaches/GM might be committed to develop these 2 kids)

  • #1136595

    It’s tough to tell right now as Smith still seems very raw to me and Thybulle will need to prove he can make these shots in real NBA games. I’ve tried not to read too much in to summer league games but I do like what I see from them so far. I think Thybulle will definitely carve out a role as a defensive energy wing and could end up as a player that starts but maybe only averages about 25 minutes a game down the line and more if he can become consistent from 3 and round out his game more. Smith seems like more of a wild card to me, he could do the same because of his defense but if he can’t become consistent on offense I don’t see him becoming a starter along side Thybulle down the line. I’m more skeptical about him than Thybulle but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he surprised me. It’ll be interesting to see how we develop young players now that we can’t throw 30+ minutes at them now that I’d say were past the 7th inning stretch of the process.

  • #1136600

    Both guys will probably get limited minutes when the season starts.  I would put my money on Smith to get more minutes this season.  Thybulle plays great defense but his offensive game is more frustrating to watch then Covington.  Nothing wrong with developing a couple young players at the back end of the rotation, on a championship caliber team.

  • #1136609
    Dazzling Dunks and Basketball Bloopers

     Thybulle can be a real difference maker on the defensive end right away but the sixers are going to need him to make a decent percentage of his open 3s to stay on the floor. Playing a non-shooter in Simmons, this team is going to need every ounce of spacing it can get. His shot looks kind of funky and he only shot about 30% from 3 his senior season. I don’t think that’s going to cut it if he wants to see heavy rotation mins for philly. 

    Smith was a project when they drafted him and suffered a significant setback last season. He’s probably still about a year away from making a significant impact in my estimation.

  • #1136658

    And have been watching all the summer league games in particular to see the development of zhaire and thybulle. I have been very impressed with both of them and think they can contribute right away especially on defense coming off the bench. 

    Zhaire is showing his insane athleticism and his shot is much improved from last time I’ve seen him play. I’m excited to see him continue to develop. 

    Thybulle is showing you that he can hit the 3 ball and can be an instant 3 and D guy. Coming into the draft, the knock on him was his shot, but he’s proving that he can stroke it and stroke it with natural ease. He is a player. Long arms, athletic, defensive menace! Seriously, his defense is unmatched from what I’ve been seeing. 

    I think they probably need to adjust to the speed of the game when the season starts, but after about 30 games or so I expect them to be contributors off the bench right away. Another dude that I’ve been pleasantly surprised with is their second round pick Marial Shayok. Goes to show you that Elton Brand is a great evaluator of talent because this dude can play. I’ve been impressed so far with what I’ve seen.

  • #1136686

     I know he had some health issues but the kid is a 6’4” athletic freak who has natural perimeter Defensive instincts & then Phila turns around & gets Thybulle this year 

    Phila is a Title contender right now – but it’s easy to forget that their core – including these 2 rookies are All between 20 – 26 – it’s kind of crazy to think about it – I mean how TF do u score on this team for the next few years?

    ESPN put out a great article about the Raptors right before Game 6 of the Finals in Golden State & they were interviewing Danny Green & Green’s comments were no offense to Milwaukee but we were never in a panic against them b/c we always knew we could score & defend them – but Phila was a nightmare – they have talent across the board & their length & size were a big problem – they are huge & except for Kawhi going ISO we just couldn’t do anything against them in the 1/2 court 

    JJ Reddick & Jimmy Butler are great players & I realize they can really score but Reddick was a major weakness on Def & Butler was hit or miss – bringing in Horford & Richardson & adding these 2 kids who are both naturally taleneted perimeter defenders to go w/ Embiid & Simmons plus they add O’Quin & keep Scott & Ennis & this team is just going to be a rough, rugged & raw group to play against

    U Never know how a team is going to fit on the court but between Phila & the LA Clippers we might be looking at a Defesnive renaissance on the very top teams 


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