This topic contains 32 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar midwestbbscout 13 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #26628

    I say Kemba.

    Jimmer is a bigger time college scorer, on the next level he will have troulbe getting his shoot off. He also may lack the lateral quickness to still with most PGs in the league. Kemba more expolsive and bottom line he can create his own shoot.

  • #506126
    Meditated States

    Jimmer is going to struggle on D. He is going to have guards killing him on D on a regular basis. He will be solid off the bench coming off of screens and just shooting the 3. He can do spot PG duty at times. Kemba will be a solid defender,and could go the way of Ty Lawson maybe. I do think Lawson has more natural PG skills than Kemba though. Kemba is still solid there IMO

  • #506129
    Meditated States

    Jimmer is going to struggle on D. He is going to have guards killing him on D on a regular basis. He will be solid off the bench coming off of screens and just shooting the 3. He can do spot PG duty at times. Kemba will be a solid defender,and could go the way of Ty Lawson maybe. I do think Lawson has more natural PG skills than Kemba though. Kemba is still solid there IMO

  • #506146

     Although my friends would disagree, Kemba will be a better pro. And there is no doubt in my mind.

  • #506150

     Although my friends would disagree, Kemba will be a better pro. And there is no doubt in my mind.

  • #506153

    just watch them and see one nba slashy og and one great college baller 

  • #506158

    just watch them and see one nba slashy og and one great college baller 

  • #506171

    I really don’t know if either are going to be great NBA players. Servicable, but both players have red flags. Jimmer, I’m warming up to him, and he’s crafty enough and has the strength to make up for his lack of pure speed, and his shooting ability absolutely should translate. With that said, the 2 biggest questions with him are, is he enough of a PG to play the position on a full time basis, and does he defend well enough to stay on the floor with good teams. A team like the Raptors will play him because he can shoot, but a team like the Celtics wouldn’t because his defense is mediocre most of the time. Another question will be, can he handle the length and athleticism of NBA players when he tries to finish. Although he is crafty, some will question if he’s quick enough with the ball to use that effectively. Much of Jimmer’s success is depedent on who drafts him and the role he plays.

    As for Kemba, a lot of people believe he isn’t a PG, but I think he is. He’s a ball-dominant PG. He’s not turnover prone and he’s a good passer and has good vision. His biggest problem is the fact he’s not a great shooter. He’s shooting roughly 42% at the college level, although his usage is very high, but that shows you his finishing ability could be a real problem at his height and not being the strongest guy. So, for his slashing game to consistently work in the NBA, he’ll need to consistently hit jumpers. Also his defense, while he is tenacious, could be a question mark, simply as he’s small and not overly long.

    Personally, I’ll say Jimmer for right now, because he can play a role in the NBA immediately. But Walker probably has more potential, once he irons some things in his game out.

  • #506176

    I really don’t know if either are going to be great NBA players. Servicable, but both players have red flags. Jimmer, I’m warming up to him, and he’s crafty enough and has the strength to make up for his lack of pure speed, and his shooting ability absolutely should translate. With that said, the 2 biggest questions with him are, is he enough of a PG to play the position on a full time basis, and does he defend well enough to stay on the floor with good teams. A team like the Raptors will play him because he can shoot, but a team like the Celtics wouldn’t because his defense is mediocre most of the time. Another question will be, can he handle the length and athleticism of NBA players when he tries to finish. Although he is crafty, some will question if he’s quick enough with the ball to use that effectively. Much of Jimmer’s success is depedent on who drafts him and the role he plays.

    As for Kemba, a lot of people believe he isn’t a PG, but I think he is. He’s a ball-dominant PG. He’s not turnover prone and he’s a good passer and has good vision. His biggest problem is the fact he’s not a great shooter. He’s shooting roughly 42% at the college level, although his usage is very high, but that shows you his finishing ability could be a real problem at his height and not being the strongest guy. So, for his slashing game to consistently work in the NBA, he’ll need to consistently hit jumpers. Also his defense, while he is tenacious, could be a question mark, simply as he’s small and not overly long.

    Personally, I’ll say Jimmer for right now, because he can play a role in the NBA immediately. But Walker probably has more potential, once he irons some things in his game out.

  • #506173

    Jimmer: Mike Bibby 

    Kemba: Ty Lawson and Brandon Jennings

  • #506178

    Jimmer: Mike Bibby 

    Kemba: Ty Lawson and Brandon Jennings

  • #506246
    Mr. 19134

     This ain’t even close guys like seriously.  Kemba’s speed, ball handling, and toughness is going to translate immediatly.  He does everything better then Jimmer but shoot.  He’s a better ball handler and a better passer easily.  If he was playing a team like Kansas with option to pass too Walker would be getting like 6 assists per game and still scoring around 18 at a more efficient clip.  Walker isn’t a bad shooter he just takes a ton of tough shots because nobody else on that team can consistently create offense.  

    And NBA Scouts unaminously have Walker ahead of Jimmer so that should say a lot.  Scouts are saying that Walker’s speed, and his ability to run and pick and roll is going to translate right away to the NBA.

    Jimmer could be a Beno Udrih type in the league, but even Udrih is more athletic.

  • #506253
    Mr. 19134

     This ain’t even close guys like seriously.  Kemba’s speed, ball handling, and toughness is going to translate immediatly.  He does everything better then Jimmer but shoot.  He’s a better ball handler and a better passer easily.  If he was playing a team like Kansas with option to pass too Walker would be getting like 6 assists per game and still scoring around 18 at a more efficient clip.  Walker isn’t a bad shooter he just takes a ton of tough shots because nobody else on that team can consistently create offense.  

    And NBA Scouts unaminously have Walker ahead of Jimmer so that should say a lot.  Scouts are saying that Walker’s speed, and his ability to run and pick and roll is going to translate right away to the NBA.

    Jimmer could be a Beno Udrih type in the league, but even Udrih is more athletic.

  • #506249

    I see Jimmer as a back up shooter type like a better Steve Kerr type.  Kemba is in the Aaron Brooks/Ty Lawson group.  Great college players can make terrible pros.

    JJ Redick had more point guard skills as a two guard then Jimmer has.  It took Redick like 3 years to adjust to the NBA.

    Redick has height and has shown he can hang with some NBA shooter guards.  Jimmer will have to guard point guards and will more than likely get killed.  On the right team though he could be a specialist but I think Hanbrough has a better chance of being the better pro than Jimmer.

  • #506254

    I see Jimmer as a back up shooter type like a better Steve Kerr type.  Kemba is in the Aaron Brooks/Ty Lawson group.  Great college players can make terrible pros.

    JJ Redick had more point guard skills as a two guard then Jimmer has.  It took Redick like 3 years to adjust to the NBA.

    Redick has height and has shown he can hang with some NBA shooter guards.  Jimmer will have to guard point guards and will more than likely get killed.  On the right team though he could be a specialist but I think Hanbrough has a better chance of being the better pro than Jimmer.

  • #506281

    Sub-6-foot guards with a mediocre shot and lacking point guard instincts don’t translate to the NBA. Ty Lawson was small and quick, but also a better than 50 percent shooter, 45 percent from three, and sported an incredible Assist-to-turnover.  Aaron Brooks was 46 percent for both and around 2:1 in the Pac 10 back when that league had talent. Kemba Walker had one week in Maui and a handful of guarantee games.

  • #506286

    Sub-6-foot guards with a mediocre shot and lacking point guard instincts don’t translate to the NBA. Ty Lawson was small and quick, but also a better than 50 percent shooter, 45 percent from three, and sported an incredible Assist-to-turnover.  Aaron Brooks was 46 percent for both and around 2:1 in the Pac 10 back when that league had talent. Kemba Walker had one week in Maui and a handful of guarantee games.

  • #506287

     Didn’t JJ Reddick put up big numbers like this? Wasn’t he questioned about athleticism and defense?

    Give Jimmer time, he will fit a good role in the league. As for Kemba, I don’t see him being anything more than a starter on a team like Sacramento. Otherwise he might just be a back up PG.

  • #506292

     Didn’t JJ Reddick put up big numbers like this? Wasn’t he questioned about athleticism and defense?

    Give Jimmer time, he will fit a good role in the league. As for Kemba, I don’t see him being anything more than a starter on a team like Sacramento. Otherwise he might just be a back up PG.

  • #506293

    I’m sorry, but he’s not even remotely Udrih, and he’s not really a Kerr either. He’s also not Curry. I see a lot of comparisons with Jimmer and what he’ll be in the NBA, his skill set, and overall game, but I think he’s a pretty unique player that’s impossible to simply pigeon-hole.

  • #506299

    I’m sorry, but he’s not even remotely Udrih, and he’s not really a Kerr either. He’s also not Curry. I see a lot of comparisons with Jimmer and what he’ll be in the NBA, his skill set, and overall game, but I think he’s a pretty unique player that’s impossible to simply pigeon-hole.

  • #506330

    The comparison are as close to his role in the NBA not about what he can do at the college level.  A lot of college stars will be role players in the NBA.  As a role player your game will have to be different.  I feel confident that Reddick on another team could score 20 25 points easy but on Orlando he is a role player.  Also he may not be able to handle large minutes on defense against the best shooting guards.  Every year people get hype about certain college players but it does not always translate to the NBA.  Jimmer is basically a short shooting guard which is find for college but in the NBA, he will only be a bench player until he can do more than score.  The NBA has enough scorers.  I compare him to Steve Kerr because he role will be a shooter off the bench like Kerr was at best.  I think you guys think Kerr was terrible so you dont like me comparing Jimmer to him.  There are differences in their game but their NBA role if Jimmer does make will be close to the same thing.

  • #506337

    The comparison are as close to his role in the NBA not about what he can do at the college level.  A lot of college stars will be role players in the NBA.  As a role player your game will have to be different.  I feel confident that Reddick on another team could score 20 25 points easy but on Orlando he is a role player.  Also he may not be able to handle large minutes on defense against the best shooting guards.  Every year people get hype about certain college players but it does not always translate to the NBA.  Jimmer is basically a short shooting guard which is find for college but in the NBA, he will only be a bench player until he can do more than score.  The NBA has enough scorers.  I compare him to Steve Kerr because he role will be a shooter off the bench like Kerr was at best.  I think you guys think Kerr was terrible so you dont like me comparing Jimmer to him.  There are differences in their game but their NBA role if Jimmer does make will be close to the same thing.

  • #506390

    "The comparison are as close to his role in the NBA not about what he can do at the college level."

    The ability to make shots matters. Kemba is not a great shot. Lawson and Brooks were great shots in college, and it has not failed them in the NBA. Sebastian Telfair has Kemba Walker’s style too. Dee Brown had that style. They couldn’t shoot like Brooks or Lawson either.

  • #506397

    "The comparison are as close to his role in the NBA not about what he can do at the college level."

    The ability to make shots matters. Kemba is not a great shot. Lawson and Brooks were great shots in college, and it has not failed them in the NBA. Sebastian Telfair has Kemba Walker’s style too. Dee Brown had that style. They couldn’t shoot like Brooks or Lawson either.

  • #506422

    Kemba isn’t a Telfair nor Brown. Brown isn’t a great shooter but he isn’t a bad one, however the fact he so heavily relies on his jump shooting, does not have great shot creating nor pass creating ability and doesn’t have the vertical explosiveness to make up for his height, plus his relatively average PG skills in general, cost him in the NBA. As for Telfair, his issues are his complete lack of a jump shot or really any scoring ability and his decent but not overwhelming athletic ability. Walker is better than both players already. Walker is not a similar player to Telfair, who has always been mainly a distributor as a PG. Brown played off the ball a lot in college. Walker is a ball-dominant PG. Once his usage rates go down he’ll show more PG skills and shot selection, and his shooting percentages will improve. He will need to improve his jumper but it’s not as if he cannot shoot.

    Jimmer is not Steve Kerr. He has more overall ball skills in terms of creating offense for himself and being able to hit from the mid-range, hit pull-ups, draw fouls taking it to the bucket, and use his ball-handling to create openings. I don’t see Jimmer as purely a guy whose gonna run off screens or hit 3s only. I think he’s gonna have the ball in his hands quite a bit, for better or worse.


  • #506429

    Kemba isn’t a Telfair nor Brown. Brown isn’t a great shooter but he isn’t a bad one, however the fact he so heavily relies on his jump shooting, does not have great shot creating nor pass creating ability and doesn’t have the vertical explosiveness to make up for his height, plus his relatively average PG skills in general, cost him in the NBA. As for Telfair, his issues are his complete lack of a jump shot or really any scoring ability and his decent but not overwhelming athletic ability. Walker is better than both players already. Walker is not a similar player to Telfair, who has always been mainly a distributor as a PG. Brown played off the ball a lot in college. Walker is a ball-dominant PG. Once his usage rates go down he’ll show more PG skills and shot selection, and his shooting percentages will improve. He will need to improve his jumper but it’s not as if he cannot shoot.

    Jimmer is not Steve Kerr. He has more overall ball skills in terms of creating offense for himself and being able to hit from the mid-range, hit pull-ups, draw fouls taking it to the bucket, and use his ball-handling to create openings. I don’t see Jimmer as purely a guy whose gonna run off screens or hit 3s only. I think he’s gonna have the ball in his hands quite a bit, for better or worse.


  • #506458

    Walker had better teammates last year with Dyson, Robinson, and Edwards yet he was still a 40 percent shooter who did not display much in the way of point guard skills.

  • #506466

    Walker had better teammates last year with Dyson, Robinson, and Edwards yet he was still a 40 percent shooter who did not display much in the way of point guard skills.

  • #506595

    Kamba is a Mo Williams!

    Jimmer is a Beno Udric with better range, more heart, fire and competitiveness!


  • #506604

    Kamba is a Mo Williams!

    Jimmer is a Beno Udric with better range, more heart, fire and competitiveness!


  • #506688

    c’mon man

  • #506699

    c’mon man


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