This topic contains 20 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar SwatLakeCity 13 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #26494

    Does anyone what this kid did wrong. I heard it wasnt illegal but violated conduct policy. I find it ironic that people still throw stones these days in the 21st century, they believe in polygamy underage marriage, incest  etc, but having a beer is bad?  go figure, maybe i am crazy

  • #503512

     Beer is understandable in a way, but he could have done something as simple as not shave or drink tea or coffee… Mormons are some wierd folk…

  • #503520

    LOL only mormons….. Jeeze they are some strange ppl

    OMG he is 20 yrs old and fkd a girl…. get over it

  • #503522

    Ok maybe beer because he is probably underage. but if he had a starbucks, he gets thrown off the team. IS this really true, someone let me know if this really happens in America

  • #503524

    first off, im not mormom and i dont agree with everything they do. However if you think mormons believe in polyugamy, underage marriage or incest then you dont know what you are talking about. All of those things have been outlawed by the mormon religion long ago. Thats like saying muslims believe in terrosits acts becasue of a few crazies in the religion.

  • #503529

    is it just me or this really bad pub for BYU and mormons in general?

  • #503532

    ill repeat from yesterdays thread on thsi topic, i think byu’s standards are crazy and i cant see why anyone would go there. However, byu is very open about their policies and views. Nobody is forced to go there. Davies broke theri rules. He was kicked off the team and i dont hold anything against byu for it since that is who they are and davies knew that when he signed.

  • #503533

    I wouldn’t go as far as you went, but I agree that it is bogus. Ever see "Dazed and Confused"? Where they have an "honor contract" or whatever, and most of them all sign it and don’t care? Well, apparently, Brandon Davies was not the guy that through it in the dirt, and they actually uphold the contract. That being said, it is an outdated and ridiculous contract that forces religious practices on you. I am not down with this in the least, but BYU definitely seems to be. 

    The sad part is, the smallest part of me gives them credit for having integrity and sticking to their practices. I than surgically removed that part of me and go along with it being hypocritical garbage and nonsense. Everyone on the team breaks some rule in that contract at some point in time. It is literally impossible not too. These are adults who should be able to make their own decisions, religious institution or otherwise. To kick a person off the team for doing something dishonorable in your religion is small minded and ignorant. I have respect for religions and what they believe in, but I do not have respect for forcing those beliefs on others. Way to stick to your guns BYU! At least you think you are doing the right thing! Better hope Jimmer stays away from Gordon Heyward’s sister……

  • #503534

    good job llperez

  • #503535

    He got his girlfriend pregnant. I said it yesterday, I don’t understand why suspend him. I hate saying this but: You could have just made him do something after the season to make him upheld the mormon tradition.


    I just think it’s unfair to him, but the school make the choice.

  • #503537

    mikeyv, one thing you said i dissagree with is "I have respect for religions and what they believe in, but I do not have respect for forcing those beliefs on others", how did byu force thier views on others? Davies signed up and accepted the terms of the rules. He had nothing forced on him.

  • #503539

    Brigham Young had over 50 wives and he is the father of their religion. If they dont want people to think that they have the same beliefs, maybe they should change the name of the school.

  • #503540
    Forte IV

    Mormons banned polygammy on the 80s bro. Maybe you should start doing your own research instead of listening to stuff like southpark. Just saying.

  • #503541

    So he was kicked off the team because he got his girlfriend pregnant? I know I’m late because I keep hearing different things from he had sex to he drunk alcohol, but for them to suspend him because he got his girlfriend pregnant is pretty lame I’d say. I thought they caught him drinking/having sex yesterday, you’re talking about something he did weeks ago. It’s kind of like kicking him off the team for sinning, which is unGodly in itself.

  • #503542

     Actually you guys are all wrong, except for liperez, many of my friends are mormons and all those things you said that Mormons supposedly do are incorrect. Poligamy, underage marriage, and incest were all done away with in late 1800’s! (get with the program) Yes, they do not drink beer or any alcoholic beverage for that matter but that is a rule that everyone should follow not just mormons. Look at all the accidents and deaths that have happened because of underage drinking or even too much drinking! If we just stopped doing this then we would save a ton of lives. You can have fun and not drink. 
    I’m not liking what is being said in this thread but because I have different views on the matter and no matter what I say my view will be just ridiculed and tortured I will bite my tongue and say no more. I don’t want to be judgemental of everyone here so PEACE.

  • #503543
    Forte IV

    the punishment was probabaly more cruel since he is mormon himself.

  • #503547

    That’s the conclusion of a Harvard economics professor who tracked subscriptions to online porn sites. Utah ranks No. 1 in subscriptions, according to Benjamin Edelman, who reported his findings in the article

  • #503647

    In other words, I feel the honor code is forcing religious beliefs on a person. I know he signed it, but he was forced too sign it. Plus, he is not allowed any ability to make a "mistake" under its guidelines? He knew what he was getting into, but my guess is he did not have as much of a choice as people believe he might. He wanted to play for BYU, and he also wanted to live his life with the choices a college aged student faces. Making someone sign something saying "I will uphold religious beliefs", in principle, sucks. 

  • #503662
    Forte IV

    Its not that we was really forced to sign it. he was raised with those beliefs any ways. I’m pretty sure the majority of BYU’s students are mormon, so they are expecting you to just follow the standards you were raised on I guess.


  • #503672

    Everybody at that school has to obey this honor code. If he broke it then it is 100% his fault. Yes it feels like a lame reason but he agreed to it. 99% of that school honors that code. Just because Davies is a star athlete doesn’t mean he should be treated differently than everybody else. Nobody made Davies go to that school. He did, so he should have abided by their rules. Stop ripping BYU when they have had this honor code for years and enforce it upon everyone that attends.

  • #503679

     He wasn’t forced to sign the honor code. He could have chosen another school. Just because your mormon doesn’t mean you have to go to BYU. I have many friends who go to byu and I know for a fact they don’t force anything on you. You guys need to get your facts straight. Brandon Davies made a mistake and he thought he was above the honor code. He isn’t and now he is being punished. Let me make one thing clear, before you go start bashing on mormons make sure you get your facts straight, don’t just go guessing. I think you’ll be surprised and learn that not everything you hear about mormons is correct.

    @mickeyvthedon and to all: There is no way that honor code was not allowing him to make any mistakes. That would be just stupid. BYU of all schools knows students aren’t perfect. They do have high standards but that’s because its a religious based school and they want the school to remain "clean" but in no way does that mean that they expect students to be perfect. They know you can make mistakes they just want students to learn that acts like are not okay and need to change. If he wasn’t punished he go and make the same mistake again and again and never learn. He knew better than to do what he did, but he went and did it anyway. Sometimes just scolding a child doesn’t work, sometimes you have to actually ground them. I mean why do you think your parents ground you or punish you is it just because they hate you, no of course not, its because you made a mistake and just scolding you won’t do a thing because you will still do it. He might be sorry now and never do it again but does that necessarily mean that he would do it again if he was just scolded? No. 

    That is all I will say on the subject because once again my views on this could be very judgemental and I don’t want to wrongly accuse someone. I rather help you guys understand why he was punished so harshly instead of try and convert you all to the mormon way of thinking.


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