
Let me once again state my big complaint with the “One and Done” rule. It allows guys to audition for the NBA while while pretending to be students. It turns a school like Kentucky into an NBA minor league squad. I realize most people don’t care about academics and focus solely upon basketball, but at the very least, they should be legitimate students.

In their first semester, “One and Done” players they take nothing but Phys Ed courses so they can stay eligible. In the spring semester they can take molecular biology and physics because it doesn’t matter. As soon as the NCAA tournament ends, they can drop all of their classes.

So the first thing the NCAA needs to do is ensure that students attend full time in the spring semester and remain academically eligible or all of their wins will be reversed.

In addition, this is America where people should be free to choose their profession. If a high school senior has absolutely zero interest in college and wants to try out for the NBA, let him do it. He can apply for any other job he wants, why can’t he apply to become a professional basketball player?

As for requiring 3 years of eligibility, I don’t think that would pass a legal challenge.