This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar roni3 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #43720

    i can’t believe that last year at this time we were still wondering when the season would start. no off season moves, boring articles to read on different sites because there was nothing else to talk about…

    i can say that personally the lockout effected me and ended up watching the least amount of ball in years.


    now is a different story. here we are with a different look to many teams.. pre season already started. we’re back to 82 games and we’re a few weeks away from the season to start.


    i’m fucking excited!! being from toronto i’m very interested in seeing how the revamped raptors will do. i’m already thinking about buying tickets to the games lol..


    nba fantasy is gonna start up again… and i just finished watching a few reviews on nba 2k13 and i think i’m gonna go buy it after work lol…


    nba is back in full force… life is good 😀

  • #719510

     i totally agree man, i am a lakers fan but i am so excited about the nba as a whole, glad we got Howard and Nash, but i love competition and this season is full of it, the Thunder with Jones and Maynor back, Clippers bench is ridiculous, Spurs will be there again, the Nuggets team should be one of the highest schoring teams ever, Roy and AK47 for the Wolves, Grizzlies will be good, and Revamped Mavs.

    This will be a great Year!

    • #719513

       yup..i’m even stoaked to watch pre-season games and check all the boxscores lol!!

      man i tried to by 2k13 from 2 stores and they were still sold out.. i gotta be patient until they restock and i’m not driving around the whole city to find a copy lol

      • #719543

         Well i got it the day it came out, great gane they really fixed a couple of huge problems since nba 2k12 for one when people would drive in 12 you could get bodied by anyone, like i would play zone vs the heat and nash would body up lebron, they fixed it in 13, also another major change was in 12 online almost no one would play one on one defense, they would have the computer play defense while they would wait in the paint, in 13 if you have the computer guard you can cross them pretty easy the only bug in 12 is that they madr it so fluid and smooth that most players get to the basket at ease and you can end up shooting 14-15 with some players like lebron and durant and others.


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