This topic contains 39 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar Tongue-Out-Like-23 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #34336

     ESPN is reporting that Paul says he will not report to training camp and will be seeking legal action by heading to the players union. Shit just got serious.

  • #613061

    if it goes to legal action it will be interesting. The owners who overrode this trade will probably have to prove that they did so without bias towards the lakers. They will have to prove that they feel paul for pau+odom was not a fair trade and that it was not about just about intervenig from the lakers getting him.

  • #613064

     My thoughts exactly. I always thought the rival GM’s deliked the Lakers moreso than any other team, but geez, this has truely gone overboard. I wonder if this snag occurred just in time for the owners to sign off on the new CBA. Possibly still goes through. Add a player here or there, switch a few names. Could still happen, but I’m still upset and not sure of what’s going to happen or what to think.

  • #613074

    Can post the link ?

  • #613075

     Wow… Seriously, what a spoiled brat he is being over the whole situation. I feel sorry for the Hornets- not for Paul. If the trade doesn’t go through, that means the chances of Paul walking away as a free agent and the Hornets not getting ANY compensation for him whatsoever will occur.

  • #613079

    Life must really suck to get to play basketball and make millions of dollars for a living.


    I’d hate to see how many players would off themselves if put into our every day lives.

  • #613081
  • #613084

    What I would like to know is how these players get away with demanding trades when they are obligated to an orginization with a contract. That’s the shit that pisses me off, is that to me is not honoring your contract, and also proving that you aren’t living up to what you signed for either.

  • #613085

     I would be mad too ….

    How do you think Albert Pujols would feel if Bud Selig just simply said "Sorry Mr.Pujols but the owners arent so happy that your going to L.A. so were gonna send you back to St.Louis"

  • #613088
    B Free

     Puhols was a free agent and had not signed a deal that he should have honored, unlike Paul who is still under contract and if he can’t be traded he should play it out and then sign any where he wants as a free agent.

  • #613099

     As I said on another thread, many of you guys are missing a critical point. This is not the league coming and in and nixing a normal trade. The league OWNS the hornets. They get to make decisions. They could not and would not do this if the Hornets were not involved. That is why we shouldn’t expect this to set a precedent of the league determining the validity of trades….

    The league came in and stopped this not because they thought the trade for Paul was unfair. It wasn’t; most Laker fans were at the least apprehensive about it. The league stopped it because they knew Dwight was coming in an extremely unfair trade for Bynum, and couldn’t stand around and see competitive balance be pooped on after this lockout.

  • #613111

    Players like Chris Paul are pissed, but if you look at this from an owners standpoint and the fact that the NBA owns the Hornets as an actual corporation instead of a sole proprietorship or partnership like most teams, it makes sense.

    As far as I understood the trade, this is what it looked like before it was nixed.

    Lakes received: Chris Paul, Luis Scola

    Rockets received: Pau Gasol, Lamar Odom

    Hornets received: Kevin Martin, Goran Dragic

    Lakers lost: Pau Gasol, Lamar Odom

    Rockets lost: Kevin Martin, Luis Scola, Goran Dragic

    Hornets lost: Chris Paul

    Lineup for Lakers if trade went through:Paul, Bryant, World Peace, Scola, Bynum

    Lineup for Rockets if trade went through:Lowry, Lee, Odom, Gasol, Hill

    Lineup for Hornets if trade went through: Jack, Martin, Ariza, Landry, Okafor (They really lack a PG, and a PF. Since PG is one the most important positions in the league that team would barely survive, while the Rockets and Lakers would soar. Stern probably looked at that and thought it was not fair for the Hornets because they would suffer at the Lakers and Rockets expense. Of course, the fans and the players don’t care, but the owners do, and since the Hornets are owned by the league, not by one or two people they can do this, and so Stern stepped in and said no.

    Don’t worry Chris Paul (and fans of Chris Paul), you’ll get traded soon. No, you will not start this shortened season with the Hornets. In the end, I think this nixing helps the Knicks get back into the Paul race. Now they can amnesty Billups, which would allow them to sign Chandler and then trade Stoudamire to the Hornets for Chris Paul. (Probably will end up being a sign and trade in which Billups ends up with the Hornets) In the end, all will turn out all right. This was just little bump in the road for CP3

  • #613113

    I think its ridiculous that the league is stopping the trade, it was absolutely a fair trade for the Hornets. The only reason why they stopped it was because it was to the Lakers, and the owners didn’t want another big 3 to happen.


    I’m somewhat happy that it pisses CP3 off though. No player should be able to demand where he will be traded to.

  • #613115

     Other than it being ridiculous the league is stopping the trade, I completely agree with you Jeff. The legue owns the Hornets though, they can stop trades if they want…But I think you got their motivations right, and I totally agree about the him being pissed off thing.

  • #613118

    wardb, your info is incorrect

    anyways, here is a good article from JA adnade on why the nba is making a mistake:

  • #613119

     But then why is it the Lakers, Hornets, and Rockets have no say in this. Seeing as thy’re part owners of them as well. That’s why just because the league own the Hornets, absolutely does NOT mean they should be allowed to get involved in trades. Simply because it is in fact owned by all 30 teams, not just a few. This crap seriously just went soap opera on all of us. 

  • #613126

    He has a right to not sign an extension…  I wouldn’t go as far as not to show up to training camp, but he has a point… Lamar Odom tweeted how would you feel if the team that just traded have to take you back?  It’s going to kill all 3 locker rooms… The NBA really have no legal right to veto this deal because its EXTREMELY bias that they don’t want him at the Lakers or any other Big Market team… Chris Paul might have a winnable case, just because the Hornets are owned by the NBA he’s not allowed to be traded?  He is being singled out and if that’s the case the Hornets shouldn’t be allowed to make ANY basketball related moves until a new owner has arrived…  Big markets can actually sue the NBA for unlawful acts… Its very prejudice to say that you don’t want a player to join a team just because its LA, Miami, New York, or Chicago and then to go on and make sure it doesn’t happen…  This is a poorly ran league and D. Stern should walk away now… This is getting outta hand…

    Now New Orleans run into a BIGGER risk of losing the franchise because they can’t even trade their best player that’s leaving anyway, for other talent…  Majority of you don’t understand the remafications of this not happening…  If Chris Paul CAN’T get traded for players then the Hornets won’t be a team very soon… At this point you have to be an moron to call players selfish..  Especially when owners blocked a trade with 3 teams agreeing to it… You will NEVER see this terrible fiasco happen in other sporting leagues…  

    Players leave all the time, the Hornets weren’t on the verge of winning a damn thing and they showed that when they traded Chandler away… They played Chris for majority of his career and didn’t make trades for a winning team… He wanna leave let him leave especially when the Hornets can get something back…  STOP THE HATE

  • #613128

     ^^^ I wish I could give more than just a +1, because that was easily the best post I’ve read all night @tuck.

  • #613141

    Apparently Odom isn’t showing up to camp either

  • #613146

    I really didn’t quite understand who went where in the proposed trade, (so thats why I put the words "As far as I understood the trade"), but when the trade got nixed I understood that Stern didn’t think the trade was fair to the Hornets. It might have also been because the league would have another 3 superstar team like the Heat currently have and the Knicks, and Nets are trying to build, and the fact that this happened right after a lockout was resolved. (Paul, Bryant, and Bynum) He probably thought that this would put a seriously bad image on the league in its post lockout state. I can understand that, but regardless, Paul will get traded before the season starts. Obviously, not to the Lakers but probably to the Knicks as I proposed earlier.

    In the end, though, I agree with tuck243. What I was trying to do, by stating what I did above, was justify Stern’s actions. No, I don’t think they were right. I think tuck243 is absolutely right, and Stern should just sit back and watch, and wait, hoping, praying that someone steps and takes control of the Hornets. But. as always Stern, tries to stop a "bad thing" from happening. In the end it is not such a bad thing that the league has 2 maybe 3 superstar teams in big markets. Still small market teams can be competitive. How do you think the Grizzlies, Thunder, Clippers, Jazz, Nuggets, Blazers, Suns, Pacers, Spurs, Hawks, 76ers etc. still survive?

  • #613150

    Never a dull moment with the NBA.

  • #613152

    and because of all this The Lakers will lose Dwight to the Nets… SMFH… I’m completely speechless on that because him and Deron Williams won’t win a damn thing vs. the Heat…  Now you have locker rooms lost in trust and all this because Dan Gilbert who seems to run the damn league doesn’t want it?  This is the same guy who told the players to take the 50/50 split and trust him… LMFAOOOOOOO…  He is an animal… 

  • #613153

    you are giving dan gilbert too much credit if you think this all about him and 28 other owners and stern gave into him.

  • #613193

    Nets won’t win a dam thing with Deron and Howard but thats just year 1 its before the contract kicks in even.

    Next year they’ll have some expirings to use as trade bait.  Too bad they gave Travis Outlaw that big contract.

    Miami’s bench is still pretty weak even with Battierr and he’s 33 not exactly a defensive stopper anymore.

    Offensively they’ll still have the same problems scoring in the half court.

    I know the big 3 do most of the scoring but it hurt them in the Finals.

    Defensively they’ll be better but how much can they improve with basically the same team.

    They still have questions even if they are the favorites and ppl need to stop with the talk of the guys like Lebron not hitting their peak.  8 years in the league and a starter since day 1 he’s peaked only thing now is for him to play better in the clutch.  You can’t tell me he’s gonna be a 40% 3pt shooter now or be a grt mid range shooter all of a sudden.  Maybe he goes into the post more and make smaller guys pay but outside of that I don’t see him getting significantly better.

  • #613198

    The NBA were ALWAYS able to veto trades…  This will be on Dan I’m sorry, (he wrote the email) and David Stern (he allowed this to happen)… No one vetoed when the Cavs traded for Jaminson then signed back a released Z…  That was lopsided…  The commish and the 25 owners who voted to kill this trade abused their power on this one… They stabbed the Lakers so many times… So you mean to tell me the Lakers don’t have a right to be competitive and get the best players they can possibly get?  Or they not allowed to save themselves 40 Million dollars and not go above the luxury tax? And since you forgot to mention they aren’t allowed to get CP3 or Dwight Howard they have destroyed whatever chemistry they have because Lamar and Pau can’t trust them? Good ish idiots… And the Hornets won’t have the pieces for Paul… Smh… 

    *NEWS FLASH* LeBron, Wade, and Bosh are down in Miami, if other mega teams aren’t built it STILL won’t be a competitive balance in the league… They WILL win the next 5 rings… Blocking this is only for selfish reasons… Either A) you want another shot at CP3 and Dwight    B) You don’t want to see the Lakers win   C) Both

    Not doing this has only caused the NBA to look like a joke, New Orleans potentially could lose a franchise, and the Lakers abused…  All after these same owners threaten us with a year long lock-out… Aight Stern keep sh itting on the fans…  

  • #613202

    Wow… This is pathetic.

    There is no excuse for this. I thought about this sh*t all last night and it’s just disgusting. The NBA is becoming a circus.

    • #613205

       its not like the lakers were not given anything up for CP3, they were giving up 2 allstar players for the price of on.(Lamar Odom was considered bein an All Star comin off the bench last season) and BTW if the trade would of went down WHO IN THE HELL WERE THE LAKERS GONNA USE AT PF??? Derrick Character?? I believe if it would of went down they would find a way to sign David West for a cheap price…

  • #613207

    Atleast now other teams have an idea of what it will take to get Paul.

  • #613346

    Win the next 5 rings sounds dumber than when Lebron said they’d win 7.

    Guess you forgot about a team in Oklahoma City thats pretty young and has cap room still.

    Not to mention they have the best scorer in the league who’s only 23.


  • #613390

    current roster isn’t going to beat the Heat as shown last year when both teams played… LeBron has locked him up both times then they added Shane…  I don’t think they are a shoe in, talented yes, can they beat a Miami Heat team with LeBron, Wade, Bosh and if they somehow get a Center? NO…

    The Lakers would have a 8.9 million dollar trade execption that prolly would have went to a trade for Dwight Howard or sign a legit PF, Nene or David West… 





  • #613396

    The deal could still happen supposedly. Teams appealing block.

  • #613399

     Just saw the reaction of scola after that drama night ( and as always he behaves as a true professional and a great man.

    I hope  he could have a chance to win a ring afterall. He deserves it.

  • #613401

     ^ he has a gold medal, that should be enough

  • #613421

    Just a question, what do you guys prefer:

    1. Chris Paul telling the Hornets ahead of time that he will not resign so they can trade him to acquire good pieces (a la Carmelo Anthony)
    2. Chris Paul not sure if he’s going to stay with the Hornets and leaves in the offseason, leaving the Hornets with no young players or talented players to build upon. (a la LeBron James)

    It seems as if all of you saying "He isn’t honoring his contract!" want him to stay in NOLA just so he can leave in the offseason and leaving NOLA with nothing.  Is that really the better move?  Like owners and GMs always say, "It’s a business".  Well, now it’s time for the players to play this as a business as well.

    It’s a chess-game, and the players have many owners in a checkmate.  What’s their next move?

  • #613543

    Normally the teams they want to go to don’t have the cap room to obtain them…  So to counter that they don’t sign the extension and get traded there to free up cap space…  In LeBron case it was the same thing as everyone else he didn’t sign the extension and opted out…  The only reason Melo and CP3 drama even started is because LeBron/Bosh started the trend… Teams need to stop putting in player opt out clauses in contracts its that simple… 

  • #613544


    So you would prefer Chris Paul to leave at the end of his contract and the Hornets get nothing in return?

  • #613585

    Also how exactly did Lebron lock him up

    1st game Durant shot 7-20 but hit 16-19 free throws, 33 pts, 10 rebs and Miami won by 5 in OKC.

    The 2nd game Durant shot 12-21 with 7 rebs, 6 asts, 1 turnover 29 pts and the Thunder won by 9 in Miami.

    This was just the 2nd yr of playoffs for the Thunder.  Also who’s guarding Westbrook for Miami they couldn’t stop Barrea or Terry even, imagine what problems Westbrook would give them. Not saying OKC will win the title this year but you have Miami winning the title the next 5 yrs which makes no sense.

  • #613590

    Naw brother… What I’m saying is it’s gonna happen anyway… It’s nothing you can do…

    And NY2k10 Have you not looked at those stats? 7-20? Going to the line 19 times?  Did you not watch the game? Durant got blessed with ALOT of cheap calls, still shot poorly AND lost…  Dude out here shooting 30 times for 30 points… And not getting locked up is what you say… smh…

  • #613591

    the pre season when LeBron locked his a** up… Playing 32 minutes going 5-13… 

  • #613800

    I understand that you say it’s inevitable that CP3 is leaving but why not get something in return?


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