This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar cutegwf 15 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #3314

    VCU is the CAA Champ again!!!! Incredible performance by the man, Eric Maynor. Not because he scored more points than all the others, or more assists, but because he made all of his teammates better players by his simple presence! His selflessness in distributing the ball to each of his mates… his uncanny desire to have the “others” succeed before himself….his determination to win the CAA Tournament! What NBA team wouldn’t love to have him running the show? Imagine him feeding Dwight Howard on a consistent basis, or floating a “maynor” (teardrop) at the buzzer! Will our dreams will become a reality – 107 days from now?


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