This topic contains 12 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar BigD 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #25256

    If the Wizards get the 1st-3rd pick in the draft Should EG talk do John Wall about his draft ideas or the type of playmakers he would want? If i was the GM i would talk to my star player about the growth of the team & get their imput on who to draft & trade. But i’d only do this for my franchise guy who i know will stay. i.e Kobe wanting Kidd instead of ABynum.

  • #479908

    Danny Ferry did that with LeBron…look where it lead him.

  • #479909
    B Free

    They should in the way that since the Wizards have John Wall they wont take Kyrie Irving. But giving a player more imput then another player is a bad idea from a business stand point. Because no matter how much imput Cleveland would have given Lebron he still would have left and they would be left with a team full of "Lebrons guys".

  • #479913

    ^^^^^^ but if you have a lifer (someone that you can say, will sign an extension, invested in the community, loves the team) like Kevin Durant. If i have that one guy that i know can get a team a ring with the right pieces who will stick around for the long haul i would give him that advantage. Lebron’s case was different he never wanted to stay in Clevland & they rode that Lebron train until he took his talents else where.

  • #479915
    B Free

    Well if the GM can’t figure out what pieces he needs to pair with KD to win he is in the wrong business.

  • #479917
    Moon River

    At the end of the day, an NBA team is a business and needs to make money. Your star player is on the payroll and collecting more money than most (if not all) in the organization (hopefully other than the owner).  You have to at least consult with them on player moves and consider their thoughts, while making it clear that you have management in place to ultimately make the decisions, but their input is part of the process that management will consider when making the decision.

    Yeah, it did not work out so well in Cleveland with LeBron as well as other places, but IMO, you have to have your star involved, to a certain extent, in the process.

    A similar current example is the UCON Athletic Director hiring a former Syracuse football coach to be their new coach.  The AD did not consult one of the major boosters at UCON and now the booster wants his cash back.  I don’t blame him.

  • #479919

    Micheal Jordan Never wanted B.Carthwright. They drafted Oakley a lottery pick and trade him for someone’s grandfather.(I think B.Cartwright played on the Fredrick Douglas AllStar Team in the 1800s). Anyway it work out great for the GM who made that decision 3 Rings for the bulls. As PJ started every game by getting BC his 4-6 touches a game.

  • #479921

    This a good post, I haven’t seen one like this before. I think you should definitely consult with your star player. It’s not like you’re breaking any boundaries in doing it…he’s essentially the biggest part of the franchise, and even if he hasn’t been scouting prospects as closely he definitely knows what he’s talking about. And it makes the star player feel more loved, which is more important than ever these days. That’s what the Jazz did when they were going after a big man to replace Boozer, they gave Deron a list of players and he hand picked Jefferson. I think it would be advantageous for the Wizards to talk with Wall, especially because he’s a PG. Who will be the best fit to assist him in helping the offense flow like it should? Who does he want his partner in crime to be?

    As is, keeping Wall, as an example, if I was him and had the 2nd or 3rd pick, I would definitely want Sullnger. The Wiz big men are so careless and erratic that a hard-working/no downside guy like Sullinger would be great for the team, a guy that he could confidently go to on the interior like with Patterson/Cousins at Kentucky.

  • #479925

    The pick and roll AND pick and pop with Wall and Sullinger would be amazing.

  • #479927

    All successful companies solicit input from their employees. There should always be effective channels for two way communciation. A major study of the most successful American corporations revealed that every one of them followed the above principle. Companies who failed were those who had a top down strategy where the CEO dictated policies and refused to listen to their own people.

    Having said that, there’s a huge difference between soliciting input versus players running the show. Management is paid to make mangerial decisions on the direction of the franchise, player contracts, and the long term strategy. Players are paid to perform on the court.

    Once players offer their input, they should step back and let management do what they’re paid to do. Any team that allows players to cross the line and control managerial decisions is probably doomed to failure.

  • #479936

    I dont think that players should be the only ones who have a say… i think that the player should perhaps inform the GM who he feels he could play with and then the GM come to a final decision, keeping the star players wishes in mind. sometimes the star players could be wrong and lets face it, not all athletes are smart. the GMs job is to know how to put players around their stars that compliment them well and hope that the group can be good enough to compete and win a championship.

  • #479941

    I don’t think Star players should dictate team direction, but I think they should definitely get an opinion in on the matter.

  • #479960

    If LeBron really had what he wanted in Cleveland he would have had Stoudemire, so that wasn’t dictated by LeBron. I think the players should say who they feel would help the team and be good pieces to move forward with, or players to help them win a ring, (aka Wade wanting Mike Miller). Sometimes players have a better understanding of who is a better fit then what the GM’s do. i think the coach should also get a big say on who they want in their team. But the shouldn’t fully dictate to the GM what to do. Because sometimes the players or coaches aren’t always right.


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