This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar Chrispy 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #33447

    Obviously I dont know how to run an organization like the NBA.. That is clear.. However, if I am David Stern, I am trying to think of ways for the players to cave.. Something I can do or say to make them give in and I think I have an idea…

    Have a Lockout League

    Sure that sounds crazy but hear me out..

    This is what you do:

    Have an open "tryout" for the league.. Let any and everyone try out for whatever team they would like.  If Durant wanted to tryout for a Chicago team (if they were on board) let him do it..

    Pay the players a little bit.. Nothing like they would be making if they were getting thier NBA pay checks but some.. You have to think about this, some of these players were only making close to 500,000 a year and I’m sure some of you are are saying that is a lot of money but not if you are supporting 3 families and paying for an expensive car.. Pay the players on a per-game basis.  Give them a little money to help pay bills.

    I know some of you are going to say that the owners wouldnt make any money because of how much it cost to do something like this but here is the thing.  You dont have to prepare for attendance like a regular game.. You would have less than half of your normal staff therefore less than half of your normal out going money.. Any profit for the owners is good profit because right now, just like the players, they arent getting any money from basketball..

    Make sure that this league would not change their money they are owed and woudnt change anything about thier contracts or future contracts..

    Set up the league schedule for 3 months.. Then, any games that are affected by the resolution of the lockout, are simply canceled..

    Talk to the owners and see who is on board for this.  Let everyone that agrees take part.  You could end up having around 15 teams or more…

    Then, once the lockout ended, the teams that were on board for this could keep the rights to their teams.  This "Lockout League" could help the NBA start to develop a farm system in addition to the D-League.

    You never know what players might play in this league.. Obviously some D-League guys would be interested and some of the lower to mid level league players.  Hell, if the league gets good feedback, maybe even a star player or 2 would make an appearance..

    Probably a stupid idea but it is something that I thought could help end this lockout and at least help the fans watch some basketball while it is going on…

  • #604434

    That would not be a good idea. That just sounds REAL REAL messy and if David Stern is organizing a league, isn’t that the same as just having the NBA, I’m confused. I was with you thinking you were meaning the players making a league, even this being far-fetched, but everything after that was just WAY over the top. I can tell you miss basketball though, as we all do, and I just hope the league comes back ASAP. Everyday I notice it more as time winds down to the supposed start of the season.

  • #604452

    Would Keanu Reeves and Orlando Jones be suiting up for the Washington lockout team and would Gene Hackman be coaching that team?


    Cause if so, I’m all in.

  • #604488

     Here is a big problem with the NBA lockout and what I believe to be the biggest issue that not one person is talking about:

    When you look at the NBA who is the face representing the players? Who is the true "leader" of the players looking to get control of this situation? The answer is:


    Of course Derick Fisher is a very good starting point gaurd with all of his championships and clutch shots. But is he really the "face" of the league?  

    The NFL had their top players representing them: Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Peyton Manning. This shows me that the NFL’s top plyers understood how important it was to get these deals done, unlike the NBA

    This key little fact may be the reason for how slowly things are moving. The NBA’s top players are running around starting their own league instead of being in those rooms, being at the front of whats going on and not hiding behind a veteran point gaurd who honestly means nothing compared to having players like Kobe Bryant, Lebron James or Dwayne Wade as its major representitives. 

  • #604489

    players do ANYTHING to earn the owners money? Vice Versa? This is a highly contentious labor disagreement much like any other (disregarding the absurd income levels of the involved parties). There would be no mutual will to encourage such a "lockout league".


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