This topic contains 22 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by AvatarAvatar quincey hodges 14 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #9620

    Man thi kid i looking very very good..actually he was looking good before both of his injuries and i think this year he will dominate some game..not awhole lot because of the talent around him but there will be some…some fans say hes injury prone which makes no sense when both injuries were freak injuries and not the kind that tracy mcgrady or others get . one thing i didnt know is he is only 21 years old……couple year he will be the bet center in the nba..he will be one of the best this year

  • #223452

    I agree. He plays big and keeps the ball high. He has soft hands, good post moves, is strong. He hits his ft’s. People forget that the lakers were in first place before they traded for Pau becasue bynum was playing so well. And it’s crazy to think that he is 21 years old now in his 5th season.

  • #223454

    That’s right… 21 turning 22 and has FIVE years of NBA experience already… That’s alot!… Time is still on his side and in the end he’ll be fighting for that Best Center Spot once he reaches his peak… I’m just so intrigue with guys like Andrew Bynum and Dwight Howard… I can’t explain much but they’re so intriguing IMO..

  • #223458

    Yes both of his injuries where freak injuries, but when a big man starts getting knee injuries sometimes you cant stop them from continuing, i hope this doesnt happen to him but when people say he’s injury prone there not lying

  • #223473

    He was playing well each of the past 2 seasons before injuries derailed him..This preseason he’s looked great…Isnt it something that no matter how well he plays..There are some that say the lakers can win the championship without him…….

  • #223475

    Just imagine, he is same age with rooks Jordan hill, Hasheem THabeet, Steph Curry…his potential enormous..IMO no matter where BYnum would play(with out LAL) he would be best scoring center in the NBA! and he need to improve defence but because of his huge size and long arms he is able to get double-double and avg over 2blks easily

  • #223480
    Meditated States

    Get better. Is a budding star at the Center slot. Very good at a young age already.

  • #223489

    He’s the whole package to me, and I think he’s the most talented center in the NBA, yea more talent than Dwight Howard. Howard is a freak athlete and physical specimen while Bynum has a BUNCH of moves on the low block and game-changing defensive and rebounding ability. He’s just has to get smarter out there with the STUPID fouls (!) and stay out of the trainer’s room.

  • #223506

    Dwight’s post moves have really come a long way,much better than Bynum’s,IMO.

    I also think Greg Oden is much more talented. Bigger,stronger,more explosive than Bynum as well.

  • #223512

    The former president is right about Oden. But the best advice you could give BOTH Greg Oden and Andrew Bynum is “Don’t get hurt and play smart basketball.”

  • #223513
    quincey hodges

    even though they arent llying these are fans saying injury prone..not the people in the know so im not always think if a player is injuried 2 times reguardless of the situtation then they are injuried prone..for the most part fans dont know much about injuries

  • #223515
    quincey hodges

    i dont think oden is more talented…oden is more natural on defense were as bynum is better on offense. ..oden i more athletic but that doent mean he has more potenial.its like amare is more athletic than duncan as well as other big men but duncan skill level and iq is so high that it doesnt matter and i think that will be the case with bynum because of his skill level being so high at his age and all the training he got from the best center of all time

  • #223519

    Are you talking about that best center of all time that he said he doesn’t want to train with anymore?

  • #223523
    quincey hodges

    yep…he feels hes gone as far as he think he can go with him and now feels he can take what kareem taught him and work on it on his own..same with other real good nba players who work out with some of the greats for awhile then stop working with them…bynum actually worked out with one longer then most nba players do. d.howard has cut down his workout wit pat ewing then he used to and will soon stop working with him. its pretty common

  • #223565

    1st he’ll be 22 in a few days.
    Bynum best scoring Center in the NBA now I’ve heard it all.
    He’s improved but lets be realistic.
    He does get a lot of easy shots thanks to passes from Kobe and Gasol.

    His free throw shooting is pretty good for a big man, the turnovers are fine, good shot blocker with potential to be great and he’s a very good rebounder. Obviously he has great potential or else he wouldn’t have landed that big contract.

    Scoring 42 pts on rookie Deandre Jordan and Brian Skinner last year doesn’t make you great esp. since Kobe was off that night.

    He dominated the Warriors, Bobcats w/no Chandler in preseason, he did have a good game against the Clippers though.

    Last thing I would consider him is to be a great scorer though, maybe a good scoring option around the basket and can finish well. He doesn’t have much of a jumper, turn around or anything close to it. Yeah he’s far ahead of most guys his age but the injuries & his size might work against him in the long run.

    Yes both of his injuries where freak injuries, but when a big man starts getting knee injuries sometimes you cant stop them from continuing, i hope this doesnt happen to him but when people say he’s injury prone there not lying. Great point Champ

  • #223574
    quincey hodges

    i actually forgot about dwight howard when i said bet cewnter in the nba..other then that i stand by what i said..he played well against more teams then you stated and ok 22 in a few days thats still 4 years away from the begining of his prime and yeah knee injuries can stop you from continueing but after both once he got healthy and in shape he showed that they arent stopping his developement so thats not a factir..if you are gonna get a injury its best you get them at a young age like he is. right now he isnt a great scorer of course since hes still developing..youre not taking into account that he int done developing into what hes gonna be..hes just scratching the surface. yes he gets easy shots thatnks to kobe in gasol but he also does well when they arent feeding him the ball which he showed in the regular season before the injuries when they would give him the ball with the defender on him and he would make moves and score on his own. every good player has others on there team that makes it eaier for them ..jordan had pippen paul has wet rose had ben gordan and now salmon and deng durant has westbrook and green so every one is on a even level or close to it so its a moot point in that reguards. id agree with youre point if he wa 27-30 or something liek that were he wont get too much better but like i said before hes still developing and is still year away fom his prime years

  • #223576

    Ewing never had great footwork anyway he wouldn’t make the best big man coach. He was a very good shooter though.

  • #223585
    quincey hodges

    ewing had very good foot work.not hakeem footwork but very good to add with his power and jumping ability and skills….and of course his legendary 3

  • #223596

    Ewing didn’t have very good foot work trust me I know I was a huge Knicks fan during his era.
    Its one thing the Knicks wanted him to get better at.

    I wonder what is considered prime for guys who start their pro careers earlier in NBA, MLB, football is totally diff.
    Used to be 27-32 but if you start earlier most likely you’ve peaked at 30 not everyone of course.
    Examples Andruw Jones, Jermaine O’neal,

  • #223601
    quincey hodges

    i wasnt a knicks fan but i watched dont dominate like he did with out good foot work.thats what post moves are, footwork

  • #223821

    Get a grip quincey, Bynum isn’t that good. Best in the NBA? Give me a break! He’s soft and half of the time he looks scared and timid.

  • #224256
    quincey hodges

    hmmm anyone happen to watch oden and bynums game last night?…..hmmmmm

  • #224257
    quincey hodges

    alchemist…bynum sure looked scary and timid huh…i hope he looks scared and timid like that all season….how did greg oden look?


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