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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar training Roy Hibbert

Roy Hibbert

Roy Hibbert


Roy Hibbert with a skyhook?

Pacers president and former Celtic Larry Bird apparently dined with his old Lakers rival, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, in the name of helping Indiana’s center.

Abdul-Jabbar posted:

Pacer fans get ready for next season. I’m helping to get Roy ready to become a serious threat to his competitors.

If Abdul-Jabbar helps diversifies Hibbert’s offense, that would be wonderful for the wayward Pacers big man. However, I believe most of these arrangements are overrated. If Abdul-Jabbar could unilaterally translate his skills onto Hibbert, the best players would make the best coaches, and the pupil wouldn’t matter.

It obviously doesn’t work that way.

The Pacers should hope Abdul-Jabbar instills some confidence in Hibbert. After Hibbert’s disastrous playoffs, that would be more than enough to make this partnership worthwhile.

Don’t overlook Abdul-Jabbar’s value due to his sharp mental approach. Hibbert needs that more than a skyhook – though a skyhook would be nice, too.